Sh. Ashok Kumar, Vice Principal, promoted to the post of Principal and takes over the charge officially in August, 2018. This is a unique achievement for the school in the manner that Sh. Ashok Kumar was student of this school and joined the same school as PGT ( Commerce ) in the year 1994 and after putting hard for years and years, Sh. Ashok got promoted as Vice Principal and finally got the promotion to the post of Principal and HOS of the school in 2018. A welcome function for the new principal was held in the school on 31st August, 2018 in the auspicious presence of Sh. Sulekh Saathi, Chairman of the school and with the presence of other important dignitaries, Sh. Ravinder Sharma, Deputy Director, Deptt of Education, Govt. of NCT Delhi, Sh. Sanjay Sharma, Manager, SNBSSS, Dr. L.S. Sharma, Former Principal, SNBSSS, Sh. S.S. Rawat, Former HOS, SNBSSS. Sh. Ashok Kumar thanked all the dignitaries and the staff for their cooperation.